Thursday, May 7, 2020

WATCH: Massive amount of bees swarm Iona family’s yard

WATCH: Massive amount of bees swarm Iona family’s yard

A swarm of bees clump together in an Iona man’s backyard Tuesday afternoon. See how it all played out in the video above. | Photos and video courtesy Arik Durfee

IONA - Attack of the bees!

A swarm of bees descended in an Iona homeowner’s yard Tuesday afternoon. Arik Durfee tells they clumped together in an aspen tree in his backyard around 2:30 p.m.

“Our kids had been out playing with the dog. They came in to give the dog a drink. Then we looked out and in a matter of one minute, there was this cloud of - it had to be millions of bees, ”Durfee says.

I thought the bees were building a hive at first, but quickly realized it was just bees.

It didn't take long for the swarm to clump together.

"Within half an hour, they had all settled into the tree and weren't buzzing around anymore. They were completely centered around that one tree, ”says Durfee.

Durfee’s daughter and her friend came out to get a closer look and got stung in the process. Both of them are fine.


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